
A Beginner's Guide to Ranking Websites

28th July 22

SEO, or search engine optimisation, is a process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher a website ranks in SERPs, the more likely it is to be clicked on by users. SEO is achieved through a variety of methods, including optimising website content and structure, building links from other websites, and using targeted keywords. While SEO can be complex and time-consuming, it is often essential for website owners who want to increase their traffic and improve their web presence.

keyword research

7 Essential Steps In SEO

Here are some of the steps that can ensure better website ranking in search engines:

1. Crawl Accessibility

Crawl accessibility is the ability of a search engine to access, parse and index the content of a website. This is important because it enables search engines to understand the content of a site and determine its relevancy to users' search queries. In order for a site to be crawl accessible, its pages must be well structured and free of errors that would prevent a search engine from being able to read and index them.

Good crawl accessibility is therefore essential for any site that wants to rank well in search engine results pages. There are a number of factors that can affect crawl accessibility, including the use of flash or other unsupported technologies, poorly designed robots.txt files, and incorrect redirects. By ensuring that your site is crawl accessible, you can help ensure that it can be found and ranked by search engines.

2. Developing Compelling Content

When it comes to developing content that is both compelling and useful, there are a few key things to keep in mind. It is always wise to start with the searcher's query in mind. What are they looking for? What information do they need? What are the search terms that they might use to look for related products? Answering these questions will help you to develop content that is truly useful.

Additionally, make sure to use engaging language that will hold the reader's attention. Use active voice and strong verbs to tell a story that will captivate the reader. Most importantly, don't forget to include calls to action throughout your content. This could be something as simple as encouraging the reader to learn more about a topic or sign up for a newsletter. Whatever you do, just make sure that your content leaves the reader wanting more.

3. Optimising Keywords

It's important to strike a balance between writing for both humans and search engines. While it's crucial to include relevant keywords throughout your content in order to attract searchers, you don't want to stuff your text with keywords and sacrifice readability. Here are a few tips for optimising your content with keywords:

  • Use keywords sparingly and strategically. Place them in key places like the title, headings, and introductory sentence.
  • Use synonyms and related phrases. This will help your content sound natural while still being keyword-rich.
  • Keep your keywords relevant to the topic at hand. Don't force keywords into your text just for the sake of including them.
  • Think like your target audience. What terms would they use when searching for your site?
  • Make sure your keywords are relevant to your content. There's no point in using keywords that aren't related to what you're offering.
  • Use a variety of keyword types. In addition to single words, consider using long-tail keywords (phrases that are more specific), as well as misspellings and variations of your keywords.
  • Use keyword tools to help you find the best keywords for your site. There are a number of free and paid tools available that can help you research and choose the right keywords.

4. Increasing Website Loading Speed

Website loading speed is a significant factor in the user experience. It can be terribly frustrating for visitors to navigate a slow website, leading them to leave before they have a chance to explore it. Moreover, search engines take loading speed into account when ranking sites, so a slow site can also hurt your visibility online.

There are a number of things you can do to increase your website's loading speed.

  • Make sure that your images are optimised for the web. This means saving them in the correct file format and size.
  • Minimise the use of JavaScript and CSS, as these can slow down page loading.
  • Consider using a content delivery network (CDN). A CDN speeds up loading times by caching your site's content on servers around the world.

5. Earning Citations, Links, And Amplification

A website's ranking is determined by many factors, but one of the most important is the quality of its content. High-quality content is not only informative and enjoyable to read, but it also earns links, citations, and social media shares. This kind of share-worthy content can be difficult to produce, but it's worth the effort if you want to improve your website's ranking.

To create content that will earn links and shares, start by writing something truly original - an in-depth analysis of an industry trend, a personal story, or a new take on a familiar topic. Once you have a great piece of content, make sure it's optimised for search engines and easy to share by adding social sharing buttons and including links to other relevant articles on your website. If you can produce content that is both useful and interesting, you'll be well on your way to improving your website's ranking.

6. Using URL, Title, And Description

When it comes to improving website ranking, few things are more important than title, URL, and description. Here's why: title and description are what show up in the search results, so they need to be effective in order to draw clicks. A good title should be descriptive and include the main keyword for the page.

The URL should also be descriptive and include the main keyword. Moreover, the description should provide a brief overview of the page's content and once again include the main keyword. By optimising these elements, you can significantly improve your website's click-through rate, which will, in turn, lead to a better ranking.

7. Using Schema Mark-Up

If you want your website to rank high in search engine results pages, then you need to pay attention to your website's schema mark-up. Schema mark-up is a code that helps search engines understand the contents of your website. By adding the right schema mark-up to your website, you can improve your website's ranking and visibility.

There are many different types of schema mark-up, but some of the most common are product schema, event schema, and article schema. Product schema helps search engines understand information about products on your website, such as price, availability, and reviews. Event schema ensures that search engines understand information about events on your website, such as dates, times, and locations. Article schema makes sure that search engines know about articles on your website, such as headlines, author names, and dates.

Adding schema mark-up to your website is relatively easy. However, it's important to make sure that you're using the right type of schema for your content. Using the wrong type of schema can actually harm your website's ranking. Therefore, it's important to consult with web development or SEO professionals before adding any schema mark-up to your site.

SEO is undoubtedly vital for your website. It's how you reach your target market, show up on SERPs, and increase traffic to your site that decides your website's ranking. From keyword research to effective on-page optimisation, effective strategies will improve your site's online visibility and slowly push it to the top of search engine result pages.

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